In this article, we will provide tips for improving the user experience on your platform, whether you are a manager, ambassador, or provider. Our goal is to help you make your platform more attractive to end users.
1. Publication frequency
The number of recommended posts per month on the different communication modules of the platform :
2. Best practices on communication modules
Informations :
- Inform your occupants of the current or future activities in your building: works, sanitary rules, security measures, procedures for reporting an incident in the Information and Docs and useful contacts modules
- Inform your occupants about the services offered in their workplace by service providers, partners, etc.
- Inform your occupants about the resources and goods available for reservation or purchase in the Reservation and Marketplace modules
Event and forum :
- Communicate to your occupants the latest useful information in the Information module
Share the events and good deals that take place near your workspace in the Events module
Inform your occupants of the latest updates to your platform, in the Information and Forum modules
About your services and offers :
- Increase your visibility and reach more occupants by presenting your schedule, your menu, your services, in the Information module
- Explain to your occupants how your services work, how to join, in the Information and Docs and useful contacts modules
- Highlight key events, good deals and exchange with occupants to find out their needs and desires, in the Events and Forum modules
3. Around the plateforme
Promoting your application is not only done on the company's networks but also on your premises by adopting good practices.
space optimization : use of available space and equipment (screens, signs, elevators, etc.)
Provision of support : flyers, videos and QR codes to promote the platform
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