The main purpose of the Companies module is to allow you to manage the companies in your building. You will be able to perform the following actions:
- Fill in the details of each company
- Create contracts
- Allocate credits and/or outstanding amounts
- Manage payment methods
- Create options for contracts, credits and outstandings
In this article we will describe the main features of the module.
To do before you start
- In the "Catalogue" module, you need to create the services and products that you want to invoice to your business customers. You can find the procedure right here :point_right: Add an item via Catalogue. You will need to create company services/products,
- Once you have created these services/products, you can easily create a contract for each of your business customers that best describes the space or seating they have rented and the options they have purchased. You can link these services/products to a company's billing via steps 6 and 7 when you create or edit a company's details.
Step 1 - General information
- Go to the "Companies" module,
- Click on the "Add a company" button,
- Fill in the information of the company to be created as well as the details of its monthly invoicing,
- Click on "Next" to save your changes and go to the next step.
Step 2 - Administration information
- Click on the slide button to make the company active on one building (you can make it active on several buildings by repeating this action after choosing each one from the drop-down list on the left of the button)
- Fill in the details of the rental
- Administrator's email: this is the email address that will automatically receive an email when a new invoice is generated
- Entry fee and deposit (with or without VAT)
- Frequency of payment of rent and options: monthly or quarterly payment
3. Click on "Next" to save your changes and proceed to the next step.
Step 3 - Manage the credits allocated to the company
- If you add a new line of credits, it will be available instantly,
- If you modify an existing credit line, the change will be effective on the 1st day of the following month.
- Click on "Add a credit line" if no line exists OR click on "Add additional credits" if a credit line already exists,
Fill in the details of the credits to be allocated:
- Enter the number of credits,
- The "Select" drop-down menu allows you to choose for which service(s) (products on the marketplace, paid resources from the Booking module or prints) the credits can be used,
- The start date cannot be changed as the credits are allocated instantly once the changes have been saved,
- By default, this line of credits will be generated every 1st of the month. If you do not wish to renew this recurrence, simply enter an expiry date. Example: You wish to stop the recurrence by the end of July. You must then choose an expiry date between the 1st and 31st of July.
- The option "Unused monthly credits are carried over to the next month" allows you to choose whether credits that are not used in a month can be carried over or not.
- Scenario 1: the option is checked. In this case, if the company has 15 credits left at the end of the month, it can use them in the following months.
- Scenario 2: the option is not ticked. In this case, if the company has 15 credits left at the end of the month, they will be lost.
- Note: the same rule applies if you have entered an expiry date. In scenario 1 (the option is checked), the credit line will no longer generate new credits on the 1st of the month but the company will be able to use its remaining credits until they are exhausted.
3. Click on "Next" to save your changes and proceed to the next step.
Step 4 - Manage outstanding business options
- If you authorise the amount outstanding for the first time, it will be available instantly,
- If you change the maximum amount allowed (or uncheck/check the slide button), the change will be effective on the 1st day of the following month.
- Click on the slide button to activate the company's outstanding amount,
- Choose the maximum monthly outstanding amount you will allow for this company,
- Click on "Next" to save your changes and go to the next step.
Step 5 - Manage the means of payment available to the company
- Determine which payment methods the company will use to pay its various invoices,
- Click on "Next" to save your changes and go to the next step.
Step 6 - Contract information
- Fill in the information concerning the contract(s) linked to the company,
- Add rental options (configurable from the Catalogue module),
- You can add resources from the reservation module (not visible to your occupants, open 24 hours a day and with a monthly price). This will allow you to have a better visibility on your occupancy rates.
Please note that the amount of the rental elements will be added to the rent entered
- Click on "Next" to save your changes and proceed to the last step.
- You can set a reminder to receive an email notification that the contract is about to expire.
Step 7 - Contract options
- Enter the different options subscribed by the company as well as their prices,
- The drop-down list allows you to choose from the options that you have previously set up in the Catalogue module,
- If you wish, you can authorise the prorata temporis by ticking the box provided for this purpose. At the moment, this prorata only concerns the start date of the contract but we are planning to develop it so that it can be applied according to the end date of the contract.
- Click on "Finalize" to save the company settings and create it.
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