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Add a transaction manually

Support Witco
Support Witco
  • Updated



  • Go to the Marketplace module, and then to the Manage Orders tab,
  • Click on the Add transaction button,
  • Fill in the information:
  1. Order date,
  2. The service/product purchased by the occupant,
  3. The occupant who placed the order,
  4. The quantity purchased (the price automatically adjusts),
  5. The method of withdrawal/delivery of the service/product,
  6. Payment method,
  7. If the order is to come, or already placed,
  8. If you wish, you can add a comment and an attachment  to the invoice (click on the icon Capture_d_e_cran_2022-08-03_a__14.45.15.png),
  • Click on "Save" to save your changes.
  • The invoice is then visible in the History tab,
  • You can download the invoice in PDF by clicking on the icon Capture_d_e_cran_2022-08-03_a__14.45.07.pngat the top right of the order summary.

If you would like to have more content regarding the management of an order/transaction, we have written a few lines about it.

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