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Manage an order/transaction

Support Witco
Support Witco
  • Updated

This feature is not available on the mobile interface.



  • To access order management, click on the View Marketplace button on your Overview or click on the Marketplace module and then on the Manage orders tab,
  • Click on the order to be managed, then you have several choices:

                a. Click on Order completed to close the order,

                b. Click  Capture_d_e_cran_2022-08-03_a__14.52.04.png on the right to download a summary of the order,

                c. Click on Contact the occupant to send a private message via the platform's Messenger                        to the occupant to ask him questions about his order, for example.

  • The Order complete button closes the order, the order then goes to the History tab,



  • You can use the different filters if the order is to come, already placed or if it dates from today.
  • Go to the History tab to view all orders placed and completed.

If you want to manually add a transaction, we have an article to offer you.

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