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Presentation of the invoice

Support Witco
Support Witco
  • Updated

In this article we will describe how billing works. Here are the different points that will be discussed :

First of all, please make sure that you have set up your companies properly. You will find a complete article here


Automatic debits

Using Stripe

In order for the direct debit to take place you must :

  • That the company's payment method is properly registered and checked as the default payment method by an office manager "office manager who is part of the company in question. company in question.

  • L'utilisateur qui dépose le moyen de paiement doit absolument faire partie de l’entreprise concernée pour que le paiement fonctionne. Si son compte est supprimé/désactivé, le moyen de paiement l’est également.

  • That it is not a catch-up invoice for the beginning of the contract (if it should be: payment of a deposit, fees payment of a deposit, a fee, or a difference between the installation date between the installation date and the first debit date), it will be automatically generated and will be indicated as " draft". It will have to be manually changed to It must be manually changed to "to be paid" to trigger the payment order.

  • It is not possible in Witco to see the means of payment of a payment methods of a company. 

    NB : If the company has a payment method checked as "default payment method", it will also be used to collect the manual invoices issued, which will be automatically paid when due. If the customer wishes to pay them by another means, he has the time between the issue of the invoice and its due date to do so manually from his "Administration" area.

  • The turnaround time for a SEPA Direct Debit through Stripe can be up to 5 days

    Thus, for an invoice issued on the 1st of the month, with a due date of the 5th due date of the 5th, the direct debit will be done from the 6th. Most of the time, the first direct debit attempt the night of the 5th to the 6th of the month.


Remission of rents and assets

It is not possible to show a discount on a recurring a discount on a recurring invoice, nor is it possible to a discount on a catalog product.

Here are the options available to date for making a rent discount :

  • If your discounts are "standardized "it is possible to create a product catalog product with a product named "product XX - exceptional discount! and add it to the contract.

  • To charge the "standard" price to your tenant your tenant and then give them a credit the amount of the discount (manual action). action). Only manual invoices and credit notes have a discount option. of discount.


Various setting possibilities

Example 1 - Classic invoicing

Goals :

  • Issue the 1st invoice on 20/08
  • The amount invoiced amount issued must be equal to the month of September (from 01 to 30/09/2022)

Settings :

  • Monthly billing date: the 20th
  • Issuance of the invoice for rent for the following month - Due date 30 days
  • Entry date: August 2020
  • Start of payments: 01/09/2022

The contract is effective as soon it is put online. With this setting, as of August 20 August 20, we obtain an invoice for the month of September.


Some examples of setting

Example 1 - Quarterly Payment

Goals : Send the invoice the 21/06, invoice the quarter July/August/September, with a date due date à 30 days, or on 21/07.


* The invoice will be issued on the 21st, every 3 months and for the next 3 months.

She will switch automatically to " due " (and therefore will be paid by direct debit automatic debit if it is set in in place for this client) 30 days after the invoice.


** The invoice is issued in June (previous quarter) for the upcoming quarter.


Example 2 - Quarterly billing

Objective : Send the invoice the 21/06, invoice the quarter July/August/September, with a date due date à 30 days, or on 21/07.


* The proration is only applicable automatically at the start of the contract and not at the exit date. For example, if the start date is 01/07/2022 and the end date is 03/01/2023, the company will be billed for the full month.

If you wish to prorate out, then it is necessary to modify the contract details or issue a manual invoice to apply the correct amount.

** The quarterly sequence is July/August/September.




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